Tuesday, December 31, 2019

German to Englilsh Cooking Glossary - Kochglossar

Whats more authentic than learning to cool a German Chocolate Cake using a recipe written in German? Cooks and bakers can use this German-English glossary that focuses on terms found in recipes and food preparation. It includes terms for instructions and measures as well as ingredients. If you are exploring a German recipe, you should keep this handy to interpret ingredients and measures into English. Kochglossar (Cooking Glossary) Key: Noun gender: r (der, masc.), e (die, fem.), or s (das, neu.) adj. adjective, v. verb A abkà ¼hlen v. cool off, cool down abseihen v. strain, sieve (Aus., S. Ger.) s Auftragen serving (up) vor dem Auftragen before serving aufkochen v. bring to a boil aufschlagen v. beat, whip (aus)quellen lassen v. let expand, rise ausrollen v. roll out (dough) ausstechen v. cut/press out (with a cookie cutter) B s Backfett / Pflanzenfett shortening e Backform baking dish, tin r Backofen (baking) oven im vorgeheizten Backofen in a preheated oven s Backpulver baking powder, baking soda (s Natron) s Backrohr oven bei 180 Grad at 180 degrees (Celsius, 356 degrees  Fahrenheit) bestreuen v. sprinkle (on) Blà ¤tter slices (nuts, etc.; Mandelblà ¤tter sliced almonds) s Blech/Backblech baking tray, pan r Brà ¶sel / r Semmelbrà ¶sel breading, crumbs C r Champignon mushroom (for cooking) s Chinin quinine e Creme cream, mousse, sauce e Cremetorte cream cake cremig creamy etw cremig rà ¼hren / schlagen to stir/beat until creamy D s Dekagramm decagram, 10 grams (Austria) direkt gepresst (Orangensaft)  fresh-squeezed (orange juice) direkt gepresster Orangensaft  fresh-squeezed orange juice r Direktsaft  fresh-squeezed (orange) juice E s Eigelb egg yolk drei Eigelb the yolks of three eggs s Eiklar egg white s Eiweiß egg white drei Eiweiß / Eiklar the whites of three eggs EL tablespoon (see below) r Esslà ¶ffel (EL) tablespoon gestrichener Esslà ¶ffel level tablespoon gehà ¤ufter Esslà ¶ffel heaped/heaping tablespoon r Estragon tarragon F e Flà ¼ÃƒÅ¸igkeit liquid, fluid e Fritteuse deep fryer frittieren to deep fry e Frittà ¼re deep fryer G s Gefà ¤ÃƒÅ¸ vessel, bowl, container gemahlen adj ground (up) - mahlen to grind gerieben adj. grated abgeriebene Schale einer Zitrone grated lemon peel geriebener Kà ¤se grated cheese geschà ¤lt adj. peeled gestrichen level(ed) gestrichener Esslà ¶ffel level tablespoon s Gewà ¼rz (-e) seasoning(s), spice(s) Estragon tarragon Knoblauch garlic Kà ¼mmel caraway Lorbeerblatt bay leaf Schnittlauch chives e Gewà ¼rznelke(n)/Nelke(n) clove(s) e Glasur glazing, icing r Grad degree(s) s Gramm gram 250 Gramm Mehl 250 grams of flour r Guss (Zuckerguss) (sugar) glazing, icing H e Hà ¤lfte half (of) heiß hot r Herd range, stove (cooking) Elektroherd electric stove Gasherd gas stove I r Ingwer ginger (spice) K kalt cold r Kardamom cardamom, cardamon (a type of ginger spice) kneten v. knead (dough) kochen v. boil, cook s Kochbuch cook book r Kochlà ¶ffel wooden spoon r Koriander coriander, cilantro, Chinese parsley (seasoning) e Kuvertà ¼re (chocolate) covering, icing L s Lachsmesser (smoked) salmon knife e Lachsmousse salmon mousse lieblich moderately sweet (wine) r Là ¶ffel spoon r Lorbeer bay leaf (seasoning)   M die Mandel (Mandeln) almond(s) Mandelblà ¤tter sliced almonds mahlen v. grind fein / grob mahlen grind finely / coarsely gemahlen (adj) ground e Masse mixture s Mehl flour e Messerspitze (Msp.) knife tip, a pinch of... Msp. knife tip, a pinch of... r Muskat nutmeg N s Natron baking soda, bicarbonate of soda e Nelke(n) / Gewà ¼rznelke(n) clove(s) O e Oblate (-n) wafer s Ãâ€"l (-e) oil (s Olivenà ¶l olive oil) s Orangeat (-e) candied orange peel P Palmin Softâ„ ¢ (brand name) a Crisco-like shortening e Panade coating of breadcrumbs (for frying) panieren to bread (for frying) paniert breaded s Paniermehl breading, bread crumbs s Pektin pectin s Pflanzenfett / Backfett shortening s Pfund pound (metric: 500 g, 1.1 U.S. pounds) zwei Pfund Kartoffeln two pounds (1kg) of potatoes e Prise dash (approx. 1 gram) eine Prise Salz a dash of salt r Puderzucker powdered sugar R rà ¼hren v. stir, mix s Rà ¼hrgerà ¤t mixer, mixing machine S r Saft juice e Schale peel (orange, lemon) r Schnee meringue (e Meringe) r Schneebesen whisk verquirlen v. to whisk, beat seihen v. to strain, sieve (Austria, S. Ger.) r Seiher sieve, strainer, colander (Austria, S. Ger.) Semmelbrà ¶sel (pl.) breading, crumbs (Austria, S. Ger.) s Sieb sieve, sifter, strainer, colander durch ein Sieb streichen strain, sift, press through a sieve sieben to sift, strain e Speisestà ¤rke cornstarch, cornflour, thickening agent s Stà ¤rkemehl cornstarch, cornflour r Stà ¤rkezucker glucose streichen v. press, rub; spread (butter, etc.) T r Teelà ¶ffel teaspoon gestrichener Teelà ¶ffel level teaspoon gehà ¤ufter Teelà ¶ffel heaped/heaping teaspoon r Teig dough, mixture der Germteig yeast dough (Austria) der Hefeteig yeast dough den Teig gehen lassen let the dough rise e Terrine terrine, soup tureen TL teaspoon (see above) U à ¼berbacken au gratin (baked over) unbehandelt natural, organic eine unbehandelte Limette a natural lime (untreated with pesticides, etc.) unterheben to fold in (ingredients) unter Zugabe von... while adding... V e Vanillestange vanilla pod r Vanillezucker vanilla-flavored sugar verfeinern v. refine verquirlen v. to whisk, beat until foamy vorgeheizt preheated im vorgeheizten Backofen in a preheated oven W s Wasserbad double boiler im Wasserbad in a double boiler wiegen, abwiegen v. weigh wà ¼rzen v. season, add seasoning/spices Z ziehen v. steep, simmer, marinade s Ziehfett/Pflanzenfett shortening (Crisco Palmin Soft) r Zimt cinnamon e Zitrone (-n) lemon(s) s Zitronat (-e) candied lemon peel, citron e Zubereitung preparation (directions) zusetzen v. add (to) e Zutat (Zutaten) ingredient(s)

Monday, December 23, 2019

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay - 2059 Words

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is the name more commonly referred to as is a disorder that happens to someone who encounters a traumatizing event in their life that replays over and over in their head. This causes issues with them being able to function in their daily lives. Typically, when you hear PTSD you normally think of war hero’s or veterans who have seen people die, and killed people. This is where people are wrong, notice how I said an event that happens to someone that is traumatizing. This disorder is not specified to one group of people, and everyone perceives trauma in a different way. PTSD has been effecting children for some time now, and it stems from severe trauma or a threat that consume a person’s emotional, social, and biological abilities. This does not mean that a person will have symptoms immediately after the trauma, but that it can be anytime throughout a person’s lifetime. There are many different variations for the cause of PTSD in children and the numbers have been increasing over the years with the diagnosis of these children. PTSD can be developed during childhood due to abuse-specific fears, and idiosyncratic fears related to specific events of abuse (Mash, 2016). There are other factors that come into play with PTSD in children as well such as, the severity of the trauma and how this trauma effect the child along with the family characteristics. Although there is not an alarming rate of PTSD inShow MoreRelatedPost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )990 Words   |  4 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is a common anxiety disorder characterized by chronic physical arousal, recurrent unwanted thoughts and images of the traumatic event, and avoidance of things that can call the traumatic event into mind (Schacter, Gilbert, Wegner, Nock, 2014). About 7 percent of Americans suffer from PTSD. Family members of victims can also develop PTSD and it can occur in people of any age. The diagnosis for PTSD requires one or more symptoms to beRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1471 Words   |  6 PagesRunning head: POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER 1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Student’s Name Course Title School Name April 12, 2017 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder that many people are facing every day, and it appears to become more prevalent. This disorder is mainly caused by going through or experiencing a traumatic event, and its risk of may be increased by issuesRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1401 Words   |  6 PagesAccording to the Mayo-Clinic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, commonly known as PTSD is defined as â€Å"Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that s triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event† (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). Post Traumatic Stress disorder can prevent one from living a normal, healthy life. In 2014, Chris Kyle playedRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1198 Words   |  5 Pages Post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) is a mental illness that is triggered by witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. â€Å"PTSD was first brought to public attention in relation to war veterans, but it can result from a variety of traumatic incidents, such as mugging, rape, torture, being kidnapped or held captive, child abuse, car accidents, train wrecks, plane crashes, bombings, or natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes(NIMH,2015).† PTSD is recognized as a psychobiological mentalRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1423 Words   |  6 Pages Mental diseases and disorders have been around since humans have been inhabiting earth. The field of science tasked with diagnosing and treating these disorders is something that is always evolving. One of the most prevalent disorders in our society but has only recently been acknowledged is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Proper and professional diagnosis and definitions of PTSD was first introduced by the American Psychiatric Association(APA) in the third edition of the Diagnostic andRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1162 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Identity, Groups, and PTSD In 1980, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD,) was officially categorized as a mental disorder even though after three decades it is still seen as controversial. The controversy is mainly founded around the relationship between post-traumatic stress (PTS) and politics. The author believes that a group level analysis will assist in understanding the contradictory positions in the debate of whether or not PTSD is a true disorder. The literature regarding this topicRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd ) Essay1550 Words   |  7 PagesPost Traumatic Stress Disorder â€Å"PTSD is a disorder that develops in certain people who have experienced a shocking, traumatic, or dangerous event† (National Institute of Mental Health). Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) has always existed, PTSD was once considered a psychological condition of combat veterans who were â€Å"shocked† by and unable to face their experiences on the battlefield. Much of the general public and many mental health professionals doubted whether PTSD was a true disorder (NIMH)Read MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )944 Words   |  4 Pageswith Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD Stats). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental disorder common found in veterans who came back from war. We can express our appreciation to our veterans by creating more support programs, help them go back to what they enjoy the most, and let them know we view them as a human not a disgrace. According to the National Care of PTSD, a government created program, published an article and provides the basic definition and common symptoms of PTSD. Post-traumaticRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1780 Words   |  8 Pagesmental illnesses. One such illness is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental illness that affects a person’s sympathetic nervous system response. A more common name for this response is the fight or flight response. In a person not affected by post-traumatic stress disorder this response activates only in times of great stress or life threatening situations. â€Å"If the fight or flight is successful, the traumatic stress will usually be released or dissipatedRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1444 Words   |  6 PagesYim – Human Stress 2 December 2014 PTSD in War Veterans Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a condition that is fairly common with individuals that have experienced trauma, especially war veterans. One in five war veterans that have done service in the Iraq or Afghanistan war are diagnosed with PTSD. My group decided to focus on PTSD in war veterans because it is still a controversial part of stressful circumstances that needs further discussion. The lifetime prevalence of PTSD amongst war

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Compare and Contract the Giver Free Essays

Compare and Contrast If I had to pick a world over my society and Jonas’ Society I would pick Jonas’s world. The reason I would pick Jonas’s world because one, in our world we get to pick or spouses but yet 50% of the time spouses get divorced. In Jonas’s world we are chosen a spouse by the committee and they will match us with the perfect couple. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contract the Giver or any similar topic only for you Order Now On page 48, the Committee of Elders could take up to years before they find a perfect spouse for you, which means that there will be no fights between husband and wife. I also think How they create Families in our world are created differently in his World. In our world we get to keep our baby and yet sometimes we can get unwanted babies otherwise in Jonas’ world we get to have one girl and boy but yet apply for it. There’s only one reason that is I don’t get in Jonas world. On page 44, the page states that when you loss someone you will chant there name throughout the day softer and softer as the days goes by but yet they will replace him with another child with the same name I think that’s somewhat a good idea yet not a good idea. It is a good idea because one, they have a big celebration for the loss but sadly Replaces them. On the other hand, in our world We celebrate our deaths with funerals and memorials and we never see them again. I don’t think replacing someone else in Jonas’ world will literally replace the person who passed away. So, to wrap it off I would rather live in Jonas’s world for a nice healthy drama free life. How to cite Compare and Contract the Giver, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Vegetarianism Is It the Best Choice Essay Example For Students

Vegetarianism: Is It the Best Choice? Essay The National Institutes of Health have proven that over five hundred thousand Americans die each year from coronary heart disease. They also have found that over seven million Americans are suffering from this disease at this present time (Facts about Coronary Disease). This same article explains that coronary disease is the most prominent form of heart disease. There are many risk factors that have been linked to coronary heart disease, such as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, diabetes and obesity just to name a few. These are all risk factors that can be controlled by people on their own, without the use of drugs or any medical help. There are a few exceptions, however, gender, heredity and age can also lead to this disease and these are factors that cannot be controlled by a person. The diet one chooses can serve as a preventative measure. Coronary disease is caused by thickening in the hearts coronary arteries, which prevents nutrients and oxygen from flowing to the heart. The thickening of the arteries comes from the excessive amounts of saturated fat consumed by a person from years of careless dieting (Internet). A vegetarian diet eliminates one of the major elements in a persons diet that contains fat. Meat is high in saturated fat. Whether it is, pork, beef, chicken, or turkey, meat contains fat from the animal that does not need to be consumed. When people cook these meats, they add different types of oils and seasonings that increase the fat intake and abuse of these foods could lead to obesity. This is another major cause of coronary heart disease. If ones diet is based on vegetables and other non-animal foods, the chance of acquiring heart disease dramatically drops because they can eliminate two of the major causes, high cholesterol and obesity. The reason for this is obvious, non-animal based foods do not contain high amounts of saturated fat that clog the arteries, therefore, helping one maintain a very healthy and strong heart. So far, how ones diet affects their health by increasing the chances of heart disease has been explained. Robert Schneider, a practicing medical doctor, revealed in his book, Cancer Prevention Made Easy, that ones diet also increases the chance of cancer. Because diet is the focus, colon, stomach and breast cancer are the most common forms that are influenced by diet. Schneider in his research has found that most Americans in the past consumed 40 percent of their total calories in the form of fat, and too high a proportion of that in the form of saturated, or animal, fat(66). It has already been said that there is strong evidence of animal fat being related to heart disease, but there is also evidence that says animal fat has also been linked to different forms of cancer. Schneider also states that animal fat produces saturated fat which is the main culprit in the beginning of cancer, yet fruits and vegetables contain mono and polyunsaturated fats which are less of a threat of causing cancer. North American women are six times more likely to contract breast cancer than some Asian and African peoples because of the excessive amounts of fat in their diets. It has been proven that Japanese women and vegetarian women have much less breast cancer than North American women and meat consuming women no doubt because of the less amounts of animal fat they consume. In countries that are known for meat consumption, especially beef, such as Argentina, Uruguay, and New Zealand, the colon cancer rates are higher than those countries whose meat consumption isnt so high (Schneider 125). The most effective way for a person to decrease the chances of cancer, obviously, would be to eliminate meat consumption from their diet. A vegetarian diet would increase a persons chances of avoiding cancer by eliminating its major culprit. Many people argue that the major source of protein needed comes from meat. People who argue this point are right; meat does contribute largely to a persons daily protein. .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f , .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .postImageUrl , .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f , .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f:hover , .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f:visited , .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f:active { border:0!important; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f:active , .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucc1bef14648a18d1ea31e6435221a55f:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Tennesse Williams’ The Glass Managerie Essay These people fail to realize where the animals get their source of protein. Griehl Dudley explains that the animals eaten by humans gain their protein from the plants .

Friday, November 29, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL) The WritePass Journal

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL) INTRODUCTION Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Third Party Logistics Providers (3PL) INTRODUCTIONOverview of 3PL Advantages of 3PLDisadvantages of 3PLREFERANCESRelated INTRODUCTION In today’s world business environment became very competitive the companies of being successful in the market they are dealing with more different resources for satisfy the customer needs. In recent years the competitive global market has a big influence in growing for external business for raising the logistics companies, this is kind of developing a competitive advantage to their competitors. One of the key and strategic elements to be more successful is the outsourcing the logistics or transportations to the Third Party Logistics (3PL) provider. According to the (Knemeyer and Murphy 2004) Third Party Logistic (3PL) companies could be called as logistics outsourcing or agreement logistics. In the other words (3PL) Third party logistics provider is an employing an external company for the warehousing, transportation, inventory management and other value added activities for customer services. Third party logistics provide to the organizations competitive advantage for increas ing the importance of improving their performance of delivering services to the customers in logistics activities. Many companies for creation their supply chain to be more efficiently they are outsourcing their logistics activities to Third Party Logistics (3PL) provider. â€Å"Also the time based competition is on the products that could be manufactured and delivered to the customer by the driven speed   as a technological grown-up become more movable toward the firms and countries, organizations might be achieve technological equivalence on the various ways of products† (Abdullatif and Azri 2009). Furthermore, the organizations make an efficient decision in whole supply chain to outsource their logistics operations to the Third Party Logistics (3PL), that decision makes company to focus in their main business activities. This also provides to the organizations to managing much better parts of the entire supply chain. Overview of 3PL Between years 1970’s and 1980’s is recognized as the first generation of third party logistics of providing services for example transportation, shipping,   but between 1980-1990 were asset or non-asset based organizations by increasing the service levels of contribution and third generation is between years 2000 until now were generally based on increasing the supply chain integration. A Third Party Logistics providers (3PL), can be identified as first, second and third service providers. First party provider is the main company that provides the service or product, the second is to whom receives the service it is the consumer and the third is the company which hired by the main company for provide the service between costumers and company (Forrest et al., 2008).    Advantages of 3PL    At the beginning the primary advantage of outsourcing logistics activities to a Third Party Logistics (3PL) is focusing on core activities of the business. This means the core activities is much more important than logistics due to the companies have to create on value added activities for making much better revenue, the logistics operations is a beyond activity for each company in delivering the service to the customer. In the other words, the companies have to give the focusing in their main working areas and so, they do not willing to be busy about the logistics activities they believe to outsource their logistics activities to one of the best LSP’s. This is an improvement and contribution to the quality of service levels in overall performance in the company’s core activities. Another case is the company they are not able of having its own logistics activities because of the potential financial conditions logistics activities such transportation, warehousing are not able of managing them. Then deciding on getting better transportation solution, more cost effective, better services, professional’s equipment in transportation. Maybe help of reduction the carrying costs, loss in selling orders and are able to help to the company of moving more merchandise with less assets during delivering service to the customers. Some companies has an expectation from 3PL to improve their performance in the inventory reduction, availability of the capacity and less customer complaints by improving order accuracy. Also if the company is need the 3PL for better performance in the supply chain they should have well past data system. However, the company who is going to hiring a 3PL, the company has employees this is the biggest cost of   hiring employees for every company, by providing the logistics services this is one of the important benefit is the reduction in the number of labours by outsource the logistics activities. Additionally, the flexibility is the other important factor of outsourcing logistics operations. Flexibility is one of the main strategic competitive market element, about the changing the market conditions very frequently, in those cases the company should be responsive to those unexpected changes, the company could not be responsive to those changes they choosing the way of outsourcing logistics activities to LSP’s. For example: If any company has customers in different part of countryside for delivering goods to it’s customers by hiring a Third Party Logistics it would more efficient by delivery them. They can have sufficient equipment and could provide reasonable solutions to them if the demand is low or high because of their storage and delivery performance this help to the company of saving time and costs. Furthermore, logistics activities in some cases become too much costly, the budget of the company is not sufficient for finance it so, they accept of giving those activities to be outsourced. Also may have as an object of making achievements in environmental issues the Third Party Providers have the capability to optimize a distribution networks and the most costless routes, reduction in carbon emission and control technology to rationalize the inventory to develop the trucks performance.    Disadvantages of 3PL Although there are also disadvantages in hiring Third Party Logistics provider in the selection of the outsourcing at the beginning, it is difficult to realize if it is reliable and cost-effective between the company and the Third Party Logistics provider. Every firm has to pay great attention at the selection of their Third Party Logistics partner; they have really to check if they are able to provide a better service to them. The biggest mistakes have been made because of the insufficient financial position, the companies cannot select the reliable outsourcing providers. It is not easy for identifying the Third Service Provider (3PL) if it is suitable or not, it a complex period. However, to solve this problem are required to clarify the ability of service provider. There are several procedures such as transaction costs, organize a system for maintain their reliability to work together with them if they could be choosing as logistics providers. Information sharing and apparent risk sharing between the parties is always required. Concerning information sharing, it is needless to say that smoother information exchange will result in a more efficient logistics activity. However, related costs may increase if some information essential to the firm would leak. Therefore, the commitment of each party in information sharing is required, and a scheme to ensure these commitments has to be prepared. However, this would also involve additional transaction costs. Constructing a risk sharing scheme between the firm and the 3PL provider is critical in establishing reliable partnerships. Some of the risks involved in using 3PL are demand risk, inventory risk, and financial risk, among others. The questions are on who will take these risks, and how to compensate the risk holders. Gain sharing is a popular example of a rewarding scheme in which the 3PL provider holds part of the risks, and then is given incentives based on the increase of the firm’s profit. This risk-sharing method is apparently some sort of a division of work between the firm and the 3PL provider. Establishing good risk sharing also involves transaction costs, although the associated costs can be reduced through the cumulative experiences and IT development. Another disadvantage of outsourcing the logistics activities is that the company doing the outsourcing loses control over the finished goods once they are transferred to the warehouse location. What this means is that although the 3PL company may have a computerized inventory system to which you have access, you lack the ability to perform a physical count in the event of a discrepancy. You also lack the ability to confirm shipping dates to your customers or promise quick shipment for orders that were short shipped or not delivered at all. REFERANCES    Knemeyer, A. M., and Murphy, P. R. (2004). Evaluating the Performance of Third-Party Logistics Arrangements: A Relationship Marketing Perspective. Journal of Supply Chain Management: A Global Review of Purchasing Supply, 40(1), 35-51. Aktas, E., Ulengin, F., (2005). Outsourcing logistics activities in Turkey: Journal of Enterprise Information Management 18, (3), pp. 316 AbdulLatif, S., Azri, D.(2009).Third Party Logistics Service Providers and Logistics Outsourcing in Malaysia The Business Review, 13 (1), pp. 265 Forrest B., Will T., Stephanie R., Ashwini N., Eric W., (2008), A Practitioner’s Perspective On The Role Of A Third-Party Logistics Provider: Journal of Business Economics Research 6, (6), pp. 9

Monday, November 25, 2019

Death Of A Salesmen essays

Death Of A Salesmen essays Miller, Arthur. Death of A Salesman. New York: The Penguin Group, 1976. Death of a Salesman is a play/book by Arthur Miller. Its about a man named Willy Loman. He has been traveling salesman for the Wagner Company for 34 years. Willy has some problems. As he got old he stopped selling as much as he use to when he was younger. Willy has trouble paying the bills and had to borrow money from his neighbor. He was a caring, yet a confused man, always arguing or forgetting something. Death of a Salesman takes place in New York. Willy Loman has a wife named Linda, and two sons named Biff and Happy. Willy Loman came back home after having left for New England one day. He is a traveling salesman for the Wagner Company. His wife Linda is at home, and he tells her how he hasnt been able to keep his mind on driving. He starts daydreaming, and his car just swerves off to the side of the road. He asks about their son Biff, who hasnt been home in over 14 years. He is visiting in New York, and is staying with them. Willy starts daydreaming about when Biff was a senior in high school, and was in a big football game. People were coming from all over to offer him scholarships. But something happened that year, because Biff was never able to find himself. Now that Biff is in New York, him and his brother Happy are trying to think of a job that Biff could get in New York. They decide that he could ask Mr. Oliver, a man Biff used to work for. He wants to ask him fo r a loan of ten thousand dollars, so that Biff can start his own business. When they tell their father about their plans, Willy is ecstatic. He thinks they could conquer the world. He reminds them that the most important thing in life is to be well liked and to have personal attractiveness. Willy is so happy that his two sons are going to have a business together, that he decides to go ask his boss, Howard Wagner, for a job in New York. Howard tells ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How the western was lost- and why it matters Essay

How the western was lost- and why it matters - Essay Example looking at the West which has been lost in the process of evolution has become felt more and more today – the relatively old Western audience considers Westerns to be the only source of recalling the past. The proof of the mentioned reasons is found in the realities of the present day. Westerns address history, and the history which is written today may be approached from the perspective of the Western genre movies – bad guys destabilize the world, whereas good guys try to make it safer and protect the suffering from global threats. The XXI century becomes more and more dangerous day after day, and there is a growing need of a hero who would save everyone in his courageous effort, just like a cowboy. The relevance of this addressing to the history is that, as any time, the XXI century brings not only success, but also some unpleasant and disturbing situations which cannot be hidden whether we like it or not. From this point of view, Western movies provide a different view on the things that happen in the world and help everyone to define form him or herself who are good and bad in modern

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Why are people in the year 2013 afraid to overcome their issues with Research Paper

Why are people in the year 2013 afraid to overcome their issues with diversity - Research Paper Example Diversity is virtually unavoidable. It will always come out in any societal settings. This can include at school, place of work or at social functions. These three settings are the most common under which aspect of diversity gets experienced. One reason why people fear to overcome their issues with diversity is because of perfectionism. Perfectionists tend to believe in the notion that they belong to a different class from the rest of their colleagues in any settings. This may be attributed to several reasons (Williams, 2013). One such reason is having completed education earlier than your colleagues and by doing so, having had gotten better grades. This makes them get held as among the elite in any society and as a result, they seek to justify their treatment by the same society. Most perfectionists fear failing, getting disapproved or making mistakes. This further makes it difficult for perfectionists to appreciate any diversity in their diversity. They find themselves unable to accept that other people in the same field or setting may have different ideas from their ideas. Perfectionism can, therefore, be viewed as a problem rather than a positive attribute. Perfectionists can be found virtually in all settings of a society. In a school setting, perfectionists may be those students who have had a relatively good academic record. Such students in most cases find themselves detached from their colleagues due to their impressive performance. This detachment can lead to a condition where the student always strives to impress their colleagues with a view to ‘disapproving’ them. The student, therefore, lives a life of fear of making a mistake (Williams, 2013). In a working place, people to whom authority has been bestowed upon them will in most cases try to be impressive to their juniors. Such staff may find it hard to be always at

Monday, November 18, 2019

Physicians Assisted Suicide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Physicians Assisted Suicide - Research Paper Example In addition, the practice would lessen the urgency to develop new medicines designed to prolong life. Those who oppose the practice on religious grounds argue that it is ‘playing God’ therefore sinful. Health care professionals cite the Hippocratic Oath which forbids them from carrying out this procedure. This paper will examine the moral and ethical concerns surrounding euthanasia, clarify the meaning of the term, present arguments both for and against the practice and conclude with a recommendation to resolve the issue. The word euthanasia is from Greek origin meaning ‘good death.’ Writers of 1700’s Britain referred to euthanasia as a being a preferential method by which to ‘die well’ (â€Å"Definition†, 2007). Euthanasia describes a situation in which a terminally ill patient is administered a lethal dose of medication, is removed from a life-support system or is simply allowed to die without active participation such as by resuscitation. A doctor’s involvement in the procedure could be to either prescribe a lethal dose of drugs with the express intent of ending a life or by intravenously inserting a needle into the terminal patient who then activates a switch that administers the fatal dose (Naji et al, 2005). Physicians, lawmakers, and philosophers have debated the notion of euthanasia since the beginning of recorded history but the wide public debate regarding its legalization has only surfaced over the past four decades. In the 1970’s it bec ame lawful to draft ‘living wills’ which allows a patient to refuse ‘heroic’ life saving medical assistance in the event they were incapacitated and could only survive by artificial means (Rich, 2001). In other words, it gave the next of kin the right to direct doctors to ‘pull the plug’ if the patient’s condition was considered hopeless, a practice which is now broadly accepted. The unfortunate reality is the majority of people in the U.S. die a ‘bad death.’   A study determined that â€Å"more often than not, patients died in pain, their desires concerning treatment neglected, after spending 10 days or more in an intensive care unit† (Horgan, 1996).   Most Americans (53 percent) believe euthanasia to be not only compassionate but ethically acceptable and 69 percent would support the legalization of euthanasia according to a Gallup Poll conducted in 2004 (â€Å"Public Grapples†, 2004).   Opponents of a doctor-assisted suicide law often cite the potential for doctor abuse.   However, recent Oregon and UK laws show that you can craft reasonable laws that prevent abuse and still protect the value of human life.   For example, laws could be drafted that requires the approval of two doctors plus a psychologist, a reasonable waiting period, family members’ written consent and limits the procedure to specific medical cond itions.     

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strengths Based Model and Social Role Valorization (SRV)

Strengths Based Model and Social Role Valorization (SRV) In your own words, explain the strengths and weaknesses of each model Strength Based Model (SBM) The Strengths This model strongly focuses on the identification of people’s abilities, interests and capabilities and on their strengths and potential. This is a recovery model used in mental health rehabilitation. In New Zealand, there are a number of standardized assessments that have been developed. Since 1998, all mental health services in New Zealand have been required by government policy to use the recovery approach. It is an empowering approach as the focus is on the strengths and abilities of the person rather that deficits and problems of the person and their family. The policy has concerned the way to use of stigmatizing, labeling or blaming language. The Strength Based Model creates hope by focusing on what has worked well for them in the past. The strength base model indentifies the positive things for the person and their environment. The strength based model realized communities are seen as resources not barriers. SBM understand the needs of mental people lead to can support them in their journey. The Weaknesses Following the Ministry of Youth Deveopment, 2009 SBM has unstructured youth activities. For example: SBM does not have aim or focus for youth clubs and are associated with poor immediate and long-term outcomes for the young people involved. Social role valorization (SRV) The Strengths In 1983, SRV is formulated by Wolf Wolfensberger. SRV gives a concept of transacting human relationships and human service. The major purpose of SRV is creates and supports socially valued for people in society. Moreover, SRV is intended to be used to analyze the process and effects of societal devaluation. SRV gives people know about the right of individuals valued equally and they have opportunity to contribute meaningful for their community. SRV mentions that if people have valued roles by society than they are more likely to access the good life as in friendships, the family, education, opportunity for work†¦ SRV has 2 broads strategies for enhancing the perceived value of people. The firstly, focusing on enhancing social image. The secondly, focusing on the person’s ability to fulfill lives that are socially valued. SRV can influence assessment, planning and coordination by giving a clear idea of services needed to fulfill socially valued roles. Service is provided within the service framework so often people with disability live, work and socialize with the same people and staff. The Weaknesses SRV has existed several years. It needs time to give more complementary. SRV does not improve consciousness of guarantee concern about devalued people in society. Even though SRV affects participants, it cannot control the character of participants. SRV has several societal impacts, which confined to narrow human service fields. The people in SRV are providing the re-valorization efforts. For example, support workers are paid for their job lead to SRV is not helping for disabled person out of interpersonal motivation for example: attraction, emotional attachment or friendship, and people are well aware of this. Hence, SRV is non-genuine and unstable. Comparison includes perspectives of disabled or older people (or a specific group of people) are considered. (Disabled People) The Strength Based Model (SBM) Assessment: The assessment is necessary for disabled people and mental problem because it will collect the client’s information and the staff can understand the client’s condition. The assessment will assess about the strength, aim and preferences of client. The SBM will identify skills, resources and capacity rather than deficits. SBM will setup the goals, which are realistic and achievable. Coordination Improving the relationship between the client and the professional The service system has capacity to go to the client. The service and support not only are addressed current clinical issues but also include social, housing, employment and spiritual for intellectual disability. Planning Planning focus on the steps how to achieve the goals of client. Moreover, planning also wants to improve the commitment between staff and support workers. Each client has their own planning to recovery. The Social Role Valorization Needs assessment and service coordination This is a service model where services are provided for people who meet either MOH and DHB eligibility. The MOH contracts NASC to access people with neurological conditions that result in permanent disabilities, developmental disabilities in children and young people include physical intellectual or sensory. NASC services are also delivered for people aged over 65 who have an age related illness. The services are provide as community support services, resident care, respite care, day care, behavior support, rehabilitation services and equipment. The assessment will identify current abilities, resources, goals and needs and establish what is the most important need for person. A comprehensive package of services may be required to meet individual needs. These may be from different funded sources, community support services and residential support. Service coordination is a process that enables an individual to meet their goals. Planning Following the assessment, planning includes identifying activities to achieve the person’s goal, meet needs and promote problem solving. Family needs to involve the process of disabled people. In addition, any friend or other relatives of the client can also help for the person with disability. The needs of client need to identify in care plan for all staff know when they give care. A summary of the expected outcomes for disabled or older people (or a specific group people) The Strength Based Model (SBM) There are several expected outcomes brought from the Strength Based Model. SBM creates special feeling and make strong sense of hope and optimism. SBM can find out weaknesses and vulnerabilities and can build on strengths. The purpose of SBM is creates helping process on strengths, interest and knowledge. SBM creates good relationship as collaborative and mutual between organization, client and their family. SBM emphasizes that individuals has duty own their recovery and SBM provides caring community. The social role valorization The main goal and purpose of SRV is wants to create and support valued roles for people. If people can understand socially valued roles lead to they can receive from their society good things. For example: community support, opportunity for a better life. Conformation that there is sufficient detail in the model to cover assessment, planning and coordination Comparison accords with recommended texts Wayne Hammond, Ph.D. 2010. Principles of Strength-Based Practice. Resiliency Initiatives. John McCormack, October 2007. Recovery and Strengths Based Practice. Glasgow Association for Mental Health. Rangan Aarti, Sekar K. 2006. Strengths Perspective in Mental Health. Evidence Based Case Study Joe Osburn, 1998. An Overview of Social Role Valorization Theory. Jane Sherwin, 2007. Social Role Valorization Theory as a Resource to ‘Person Centred Planning’. Laurie Davidson, February 2005. Recovery, self management and the expert patient-changing the culture of mental health from a UK perspective

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

the emperors new car :: essays research papers

The President's Old Cars Once upon a time in the very country you live in, there was a president who learned a lesson the hard way. See the president loved cars, new cars, fast cars, slow cars, rusted out cars, it didn't matter, if he saw a car he wanted, he bought it. Most other leaders were helping their countries to become stronger, while ours was off buying cars. Then there came that memorable day when our president learned his lesson.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While out shopping for new cars, the president came across one he didn't have. It was a 1986 Ford Escort. It was all rusty, missing hubcaps, and squeaked as he drove it down the road. But while talking to the car salesman, he never worried about what was wrong with it. The salesman (trying to get rid of this piece of junk) told the president that this car was in great shape and there would probably never be another car like this one. He also told the president that if anyone tried to tell him that this car was loud and smoked that they were just jealous and making it up. The president, happy to hear that someone might be jealous of him bought the car right away with his country's money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On his way home people lined the streets to see his new purchase. Many laughed and pointed as his Escort smoked putted along the street. The president remembering what the car salesman had said thought these people were just jealous and pretending that his car was making all the smoke and noise. So he proudly drove around his 4-speed car through the streets ignoring everyone that laughed at him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now during the time the president was out buying new cars the American people more money because their jobs weren't paying enough. The president was giving less and less money every time he gave out money, so he would have money to buy a new car. The fact that his people were starting to starve didn't bother him at all.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A couple of weeks later he was out to buy another car. He went back to the salesman that had sold him the Escort earlier. The president told the salesman that people actually laughed at his previous purchase. Then the salesman and president laughed because they were sure that those people were just jealous and making that stuff up about the car.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Today’s Unions

Over the years unions have been forced to change with the times. Looking at some of these changes and discussing how the unions have evolved over time will be discussed in this paper. Also the philosophy and how the unions accommodate its members have changes so this to will be discussed. After looking at all of this a couple of proposals will be discussed to help unions broaden their appeal. Unions all over the world are considered to be failing because of their low numbers. The influence and power unions had over management in companies when it came to policies has faded due to the huge decline in total number of members. (Troy, 2001). Troy stated in his research that the unionism which is experiencing a huge membership demand and the market share in past is now lagging far behind from the expected objective in this regard (Troy, 2001). According to facts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), countries that are impacted by unions are facing challenges in terms of the diminishing ratio of the workers associated with the union. Kumar & Murray, 2002). Looking at the evaluations from the past years concerning union history, one can analyze that the real challenge that the companies have is to change the organization so that the threat of losing competent union members will be null. Unions should evaluate their history so that they can use the data to formulate a strategy to keep control over the influence of management. Befo re unions were born the people were born into poor families and had to work in organizations from the age of six, where the average day consisted of 18 hours. During this time such things as a day off, overtime compensation, and minimum daily wages were only a thing of dreams. â€Å"There exist no rules and regulations related to the job security, social security, job insurance, security against layoffs and several other serious issues† (Slupik, 2005, pg 22). Introducing unions into organizations help change the conditions for the employees. These drastic changes made the difference and started a movement in favor of the employees. Individuals could express their individual interest which was previously hampered by the company. Human resource departments and unions help influence power over the management and obtained authority to stand against the policies of company. If it did not seem to be in the best interest of the worker’s the union would flex its authority to make changes. The unions establish policies and rules that are pro employee and push for fair wages, a fair work schedule, overtime compensation, and job security to name a few. This helped give the employees a piece of mind and helped not only the welfare of the employee but the employer. Unions over time changed their focus from individual concerns to the organization and the collective concerns of all industries. Unions are now looking at the bigger picture and instead of focusing on the employees of a particular company they are looking at the welfare of all that work in similar industries. This means that the unions are working for and on the behalf of the employee’s and their rights. The unions focus is safeguarding the security of the employees and these interests seem to align with the human resource department. In the late 20s unions started losing its influence in the industries and due to aggressive attacks from rich and efficient organizations which eventually wiped out unions and created a system of non-union semi-slave labor areas in some other countries. This enabled them to continue to sell their product and services at same or higher prices in the market. By these measure organizations succeeded in reducing the union represented jobs, which was 36% in 1954 to a now lower 16 %. Slupik, 2005) The unions have to implement new philosophies that consider the largest population and broaden its scope of operation to other workplace environments. First union’s must concentrate on diversity and look past their initial focus of manufacturing and broaden its scope to all businesses. With today’s changing economy the manufacturing side of business has diminished so the unions must change in hopes to keep their members. Secondly unions must focus on changing policies within organiz ations and focus their efforts on those that go against the interest of the people. This can prove to be a stressful process since policy is constantly changing these days to keep up with government laws. Unions must form partnerships with the companies to keep up with all of these changes. Constant change seems to be the only norm within companies and this causes difficulties for the unions. Looking at some of these changes unions have made and how their philosophies have changed two proposals were briefly discussed to help in this transition. The bottom line is the only way for the unions to keep up with the every changing company is to become fluid and stay one step ahead of them.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Middle Stone Ages Most Advanced Stone Toolmakers

The Middle Stone Age's Most Advanced Stone Toolmakers Howiesons Poort and Stillbay industries of southern Africa are among the most advanced stone tool industries of the African Middle Stone Age, identified at a handful of archaeological sites, mostly caves in South Africa. Recent investigations at Sibudu Cave, as additional data supporting the earlier excavations, have achieved a timeline of between ~77,000-70,000 years before the present for Stillbay and ~66,000-58,000 bp for Howiesons Poort. Howiesons Poort and Stillbay Living These sites contain lithic stone industries that are comparable to European Upper Paleolithic in their sophistication, yet they date fully 20,000 to 30,000 years earlier than the UP. Stone tools from these industries include crescent-shaped blades (arguably hafted) and lanceolate projectile points. Bone artifacts include tools, perhaps even bone arrow points. Other advances shown by Howiesons Poort individuals include abstract portable art, in the form of ochre which has been engraved in a cross-hatched pattern. Some scholars have pointed to similarly sophisticated industries in eastern Africa and Asia, at dates ranging about 30,000 to 50,000 BP. This may thus represent the migration of Early Modern Humans from South Africa beginning about 60,000 years ago along the Southern Dispersal Route, well before the European colonization by Africans leading to the European Upper Paleolithic. Dating the Middle Stone Age in South Africa Recent examination of dates from several sites in South Africa by Jacobs and colleagues found that Howiesons Poort and Still Bay are clearly separate cultures, separated by several thousand years. Howiesons Poort/Still Bay sites South Africa: Pinnacle Point, Rose Cottage Cave, Blombos Cave, Border Cave, Klasies River Caves, Sibudu Cave Sources This glossary entry is a part of the About.com Guide to the Middle Paleolithic, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology.Backwell, Lucinda, Francesco dErrico, and Lyn Wadley 2008 Middle Stone Age bone tools from the Howiesons Poort layers, Sibudu Cave, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(6):1566-1580.Henshilwood CS, and Dubreuil B. 2011. The Still Bay and Howiesons Poort, 77-59 ka: Symbolic Material Culture and the Evolution of the Mind during the African Middle Stone Age. Current Anthropology 52(3):361-400.Henshilwood, Christopher S., et al. 2002 Emergence of Modern Human Behavior: Middle Stone Age Engravings from South Africa. Science 295:1278-1280.Jacobs, Zenobia, et al. 2008. Ages for the Middle Stone Age of Southern Africa: Implications for Human Behavior and Dispersal. Science 322(5902):733-735.Lombard, Marlize, and Justin Pargeter 2008 Hunting with Howiesons Poort segments: pilot experimental study and the functional interpretation of archaeological tools. Jour nal of Archaeological Science 35(9):2523-2531. McCall, Grant S. 2007 Behavioral ecological models of lithic technological change during the later Middle Stone Age of South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 34(10):1738-1751.Mellars, Paul 2006 Going East: New Genetic and Archaeological Perspectives on the Modern Human Colonization of Eurasia. Science 313(5788):796-800.Mellars, Paul 2006 Why did modern human populations disperse from Africa ca. 60,000 years ago? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (25):9381-9386. Free downloadWadley, Lyn and Moleboheng Mohapi 2008 A Segment is not a Monolith: evidence from the Howiesons Poort of Sibudu, South Africa. Journal of Archaeological Science 35(9):2594-2605.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Gram staining lab report Essay Example

Gram staining lab report Essay Example Gram staining lab report Paper Gram staining lab report Paper Gram Staining Lab Introduction Gram staining is a very important technique used in biology labs all over the world. It is a technique used to differentiate types of bacteria using certain physical and chemical characteristics Of their cell walls. Gram positive bacteria (which show up purple after the gram staining process) have a very thick layer of epidemiological where gram negative bacteria (Which show up pink after the gram staining process) have a much thinner layer of epidemiological. One thing to note is that not all bacteria are gram positive or gram negative, some are Nan-reactive o this type of staining. Bacteria that are non-responsive to this technique are known as gram insensitive. Hypothesize that in the cultures used in this lab for gram staining will contain many gram negative and gram positive bacteria. Material and Methods The following things are needed to run a gram staining experiment: 1, Bacterial cultures . Glass slides . Cover slips . Ammonium Oxalate-Crystal Violet stain . Grams Iodine Solution Ethyl Alcohol Seafaring Solution paper towels . Water I (I Bunsen Burner (Lighter will suffice) 11. Microscope I _ Prepare and heat-fix smears. 2. Stain the slides as follows: a. DOD the crystal violet for one minute. B. Pour off excess dye and wash gently in tap water and drain the slide against a paper towel. Expose the smears to Grams iodine for one minute by washing with iodine, then adding more iodine and leaving it on the smear until the minute is over. D. Wash with tap water and drain carefully. (Do not blot. ) e. Wash with 95% alcohol for 30 seconds. F. Wash with tap wat er at the end of the 30 seconds to stop the decentralization. G. Countersink with 0. 25% seafaring for 30 seconds, Drain. H. Wash, drain, blot, and examine under oil. Draw the cells showing morphology, grouping, and relative sizes, Color a few of the cells of each bacterial species to show the Gram reaction. J. Save these slides and the ones from parts B C of this exercise to use at the next lab period. Looking under the microscope after letting the stain set will prove to be quite interesting, Results The gram staining lab was a huge success. Many different types of both gram negative and gram positive bacteria were identified. There were even a few gram insensitive fellows that had some interesting characteristics such as being spiral shaped. : In all there were four different kinds of gram positive bacteria, two notably different types of gram negative bacteria, and only one gram insensitive bacteria. Discussion There were many good specimens that ended up beautifully stained. One of the Odd things noticed about the gram sensitive bacteria is that the gram negative bacteria were gigantic compared to the gram positive bacteria (XX-1 OX larger). One Of the gram positive types Of bacteria in the cultures that were interesting to me were some that came in colonies of four. (Not identified yet but have been working on it.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The fundamental principles of organization and management commonly Essay

The fundamental principles of organization and management commonly involved in the paralegal practice to your trainees - Essay Example Working hours – Now mention of the working hours is only a way to ensure that the paralegal works in the most effective manner, bringing all his or her tasks to completion. Depending on the law firm, the working hours may vary. Then again, the compensatory time, overtime, holidays, absence procedures etc are only a few other ways of providing the complete guideline to the paralegal. 2. Area of work – Legal research, Drafting letters and documents, Preparation of briefing notes, Document Management, proofreading, taking notes from the clients and courtroom, attending the client meeting, court meetings, preparing the billing, pleadings, court applications, instructing the counsel and so on. 3. Employee conduct – Each and every firm has a different code of conduct. The conduct spans an area covering the grooming and the dress code, the ensuring that the procedures are secure, set evaluation procedures, confidentiality and so on. 4. Ethics for work – Confidentiality, fees and funding of the client, non-disclosure, proper court room conduct, proper representation of the client, illegal activities and so on make for the other important aspect for the paralegal. Several of the presets of the management and organization system aiming at the paralegal, such as, time management, the work ethics required on behalf of the paralegal, the area of legislation and work to be handled by the paralegal – these all only make the task at hand clearer, while also enhancing the understanding of the way a paralegal is supposed to work. Secondly, the memo also helps enhance the understanding of the paralegal trainees about the way of functioning of the law firm, providing a clearer view into the legalities, policies and modalities. A trainee paralegal can successfully follow the presets mentioned in the memo and work accordingly. Following a strict routine of filling in the forms (for time management recording the hours worked every day), document management (indexing,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

My Experience in Moving to Los Angeles from Palestine Essay

My Experience in Moving to Los Angeles from Palestine - Essay Example It was in this context of understanding that I experienced my most embarrassing moment. During the first few weeks living in Los Angeles, I explored many parts of the city. Walking through Los Feliz in Hollywood one afternoon I was approached by a man, later revealed to be a photographer, who asked for a moment of my time.â€Å"You have a very beautiful personality and image,† he said. Taken aback I have walked away, but he quickly interjected, â€Å"I would love to have you model!† I was perplexed, as I had never envisioned myself as the model type, and after-all he had just met me, how would he even have an inkling of my personality. Still, I secretly found his invitation flattering and was intrigued at where the opportunity could lead. The following weekend I arrived at his studio. Still new to the city, entering into this unfamiliar situation compounded my generalized anxiety. I knew nothing about modelling and this soon became abundantly clear. As I walked into the studio the photographer was there. â€Å"Hi† I sheepishly said. He seemed preoccupied and instructed me to go with his assistants to an adjacent room. Everyone at the studio moved confident and efficiently as if this was industry standard. As I walked into the adjacent room I was surrounded by a group of people who measured my size and then hold up a dress. I could feel the eyes of the other people in the room staring intently at me waiting. Slowly I felt a thrust of blood shoot throughout my face, as I nervously tightened my hands into fists as if it might stabilize my embarrassment. They were going to undress me.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Regulation of Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Regulation of Internet - Essay Example What is imperative here is an understanding that applies in unison for the Internet being a source of inspiration as well as dismay at the same time for a number of people all over the world. Why the Internet is being seen as a deterrent towards inculcating a prosperous society is largely dependent on the people who have used it for their ulterior motives. Then the only discussion to make headlines surrounds the basis of regulating the Internet so that it could be used properly. The kind of audience that visits the Internet daily is somewhat of a confusing scenario as older adults and teenagers hook on to the Internet to seek their own needs and wants. Now how Internet shapes up for them is somewhat of a diabolical question – which leaves many people surprised and confused at the same time. Regulating the usage of the Internet seems to be the best foot forward but then again who is going to decide what should be regulated and in what capacity? There are many questions that req uire adequately sound answers so that the topic of Internet regulation can be materialized further. The manner in which Internet needs to be regulated is a classic case in point. This is because there are certain nuances related with the Internet that deem more regulation than others. This means that the content aspect is one of the more serious pointers which need our attention. Some content on the Internet is illegal to be hosted on certain websites without proper litigation measures taken. Then again, copying data is an infringement which needs to be sorted out (Schwartz 357). There are people out there who would go to any limit to make sure that Internet is used for negative purposes. This does not come out as a major sign of optimism for anyone and the people at large suffer. Also the ones who are doing something worthwhile on the Internet are made to suffer since some websites get regulated and hence they have to face the brunt of it in the long run. Looking at the opposing vi ewpoint is also significant. This is because some of the Internet users are of the view that regulating Internet would mean that the speed will become slow and the servers will have a hard time coping up with similar issues. Therefore it would be in the best interest of the Internet users if they keep doing what they are undertaking without any rules and restrictions whatsoever. It will resolve quite a few issues that engulf the Internet users and amicably resolve many more that are about to crop up in the future. The need is to understand that Internet is an open domain and should be seen as such. These people opine that Internet must not be regulated under any scenario whatsoever since they do not want to miss out on what Internet offers them in entirety. Their viewpoints are generally not appreciated by the ones who believe in having regulations on the Internet. In the end, it would be sound to suggest that the regulation of Internet can be a good omen for keeping away the undesi red stuff on the Internet but there needs to be a proper mechanism for deploying such a nuance. What is even more imperative here is the fact that regulation of Internet must not hurt the people at large. The speed of the Internet should remain as such and if there are any compromising features, these must be taken care of in a quantifiable way. When this happens, people achieve the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Forced Convection (in a cross flow heat exchanger) Essay Example for Free

Forced Convection (in a cross flow heat exchanger) Essay The aim of this lab is to determine the average convective heat transfer coefficient for forced convection of a fluid (air) past a copper tube, which is used as a heat transfer model. Introduction The general definition for convection may be summarized to this definition energy transfer between the surface and fluid due to temperature difference and this energy transfer by either forced (external, internal flow) or natural convection. Heat transfer by forced convection generally makes use of a fan, blower, or pump to provide high velocity fluid (gas or liquid). The high-velocity fluid results in a decreased thermal resistance across the boundary layer from the fluid to the heated surface. This, in turn, increases the amount of heat that is carried away by the fluid. [1] Theory Background [2] Considering the heat lost by forced convection form the test rod. The amount of heat transferred is given by (1) Where = rate of heat transfer, unknown value. ?= film heat transfer coefficient, this is what we need to found out. A= area for heat transfer, this is the area of the cross section area of test section. T= temperature of the copper rod, the temperature after heating. Ta= temperature of air, surrounding temperature. So, in any period of time, dt, then the fall in temperature, dT, will be given as: (2) Where m= mass of copper rod, cp= specific heat of the copper rod, J/kgK Eliminating Q from (1) and (2) then Since Ta is constant, dT=d(T-Ta) Integrating gives: At t = 0, T=To, hence C1 = ln(T-To), hence: Or Therefore a plot of ln((T-Ta)/(Tmax-Ta))) against t should give a straight line of gradient from which the heat transfer coefficient, ? , can be found. To find the velocity of air passing the rod, first the velocity upstream must be found.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Alternate History In Watchmen

Alternate History In Watchmen The film, Watchmen presents a story within an alternate version of history. How do the filmmakers set out this alternate history, and what messages are the filmmakers trying to portray with the way this alternate history plays itself out as compared to the way our real history has played out? Alternate history has always been an important literary device in the fiction genre. Authors and filmmakers from all over the world use it to enhance their medium. Alan Moores V for Vendetta and Quentin Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds are examples of what has come before and now; the Watchmen can be placed in the same class. The definition of an alternative history is: A genre of fiction in which the author speculates on how the course of history might have been altered if a particular historical event had had a different outcome (Collins English Dictionary-2011). Moore did this in V for Vendetta by creating Britain as a fascist Big Brother state in the 1980s that is led to revolution by a masked vigilante. Tarantinos Inglourious Basterds created an alternate history by leading some Jewish soldiers on a Nazi killing spree, including the violent execution of Adolf Hitler. This paper will explore how the filmmakers of the Watchmen set out to plan and create an alternate modern history using real world events. It will also look at the message the filmmakers are trying to portray through this false history rather that of historical reality. To truly answer these questions, first the history and plot of Watchmen must be explained further; then it is necessary to explore critical examples of the alternative history and how they support the plot of the film; and finally, reviewing the production elements and screenplay which brought this alternative history to life on screen. Watchmen takes place in an alternate history of 1985 America in which costumed superheroes are part of the fabric of everyday society, and features the Doomsday Clock charting the USAs tension with the Soviet Union and predicts how far the human race is away from nuclear holocaust, which is permanently set at five minutes to midnight. The story starts when a character named The Comedian is assassinated by being thrown out of his apartment window. One of the characters, Rorschach, sets out to discover a plot to kill and discredit all past and present superheroes. As he reconnects with his former crime-fighting support group, The Watchmen a not so super group of retired superheroes, only one of whom has true powers, Doctor Manhattan Rorschach finds a wide-ranging and truly disturbing conspiracy theory with links to all of their past and terrible consequences for the future. Their mission is to watch over humanity and protect it from its self-destructing behavior. The film is a adaptation of the twelve part comic book series (1986-1987) written by Alan Moore. The comic has left a huge legacy that Moore could never imagine. Watchmen was the only graphic novel to appear on Times 2005 All-TIME 100 Greatest Novels list. Watchmen is a 2009 Hollywood comic book film directed by Zack Snyder and the screenplay is by David Hayter and Alex Tse. On March the 6, 2009 the film was released. In its opening weekend in America alone the film grossed $55,214,334 million dollars, and a further  £3,243,001 here in the United Kingdom (IMDB, 2011). It unfortunately came out to mixed reviews and a short cinema run. Many film magazines could not quite make up their minds whether they liked it or not. The Wall-Street Journal described the Watchmen film as, the spiritual equivalent of being whacked on the skull for 163 minutes. The reverence is inert, the violence noxious, the mythology murky, the tone grandiose, the texture glutinous. (Joe Morgenstern, 2009) The filmmakers showed this alternate version of history through many different means. One scene in the film where this is most evident is the opening title sequence. The sequence uses a time-line of popular historical events from the 1930s to 1985 where the story begins. This scene is where the audience is first exposed to the alternate historical world of the Watchmen. In the Watchmen Film Companion, director, Zack Snyder said, Storyboards where essential to helping the crew create the world of the Watchmen (Snyder, 2009). This was made up of vignettes not touched upon often in the graphic novel or created for the film. The sequence of historical events was designed to make the audience re-imagine the past and to get them to see the world through what Snyder calls a Watchmen lens. Zacks title treatment very cleverly brings a lot of the books texture of the film, while also providing the audience with an opportunity to get up to speed with the world of Watchmen.'(Loyd Levin, 2009) Another article in The Watchmen Film Companion described the title sequence as a research project. A section of the scene consists of recreating the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The alternate version of history here is that the character The Comedian rather than Lee Harvey Oswald shoots Kennedy. Snyder and Hayter sifted through many conspiracy theory web sites and hundreds of historical and political documents from the JFK Records act of 1992 to study the fine detail of the day; Such as the positions of the motorcade (Snyder, 2009). This allowed Snyder and his team to effectively plan a believable alternative to the known history of the Kennedy assassination. They did this in order to present us with a statement about growing corruption within the USA government especially the military branch. This has connections to the story because The Comedian was hired after the assassination to intervene with Dr. Manhattan in Vietnam and carry out Black-Ops missions by order of Richard Nix on. The next example in the title sequence of the Watchmen alternate history they set out in the film is a change to the famous Times Square Kiss photo. Instead of the historically correct photograph of the sailor kissing the female nurse in Times Square, we see a superhero from the novel called Silhouette, who walks up and kisses the nurse. This of course would not happen in the nineteen-forties. This is because homosexuality was reviled and not accepted in public places. Also at this time homosexuality was illegal in America. After watching the title sequence the audience is well acquainted with the Watchmen world, therefore making it one of the most important scenes in the whole film. The scene effectively and concisely brings us up to date with all the important events in the Watchmen universe. One of the differences between reality and the films is comic books compared to our comic books. In our reality our comic books have always been mainly themed with superheroes, where as in the Watchmen reality their comic books are themed with pirates as the heroes. We have always been used to superheroes in our comic books because they let us escape into a fictional version of our daily lives. In the film superheroes are already a well-integrated part in society within the Watchmen universe. So in the graphic novel and the directors cut of Watchmen there is a comic within the comic called Tales of The Black Freighter. The comic in the film and book is being read by a young teenager boy named Bernard at the New Frontiersman newspaper stall. The story revolves around pirates being the superheroes of the the Watchmen reality. This gives readers and viewers the chance to see another small part of the Watchmen world. Black Freighter as mentioned above is a comic book about pirates but it also serves as a metaphor for war. This is due to the subject matter of being left alone to your own thoughts after being subjected to horrific acts and desperation caused by killing and isolation. There is one principle difference in this area between the film and the graphic novel. In the novel, the dialogue from the newspaper stalls owner, also named Bernard, is a spoken narrative that parallels directly with the written narrative of the Black Freighter, where as the animated Black Freighter film in the directors cut only uses the dialogue from the Black Freighter comic book story line. The filmmakers included this sub plot only into the directors cut because they needed to cut down on the running time for the theatrical release. Black Freighter was released as a separate DVD a month after the film was released in the United Kingdom. The art department used this comic as a prop to help aid in the scene transitions within the film. Now to look at another reason the alternate history in the Watchmen works so well is because of the production elements in the film. Part of the charm of Watchmen is the detail the novel goes into to create the alternate 1985 where Richard Nixon leads the United States to victory in Vietnam and continues his fascist hold over the White House. The book includes intermittent documents and testimony relating the history of the masked hero movement leading up to the action taking place within the comic frames. There are fictional biographies, scientific records,and photographs. The production designer had this to say, The parallel universe has been set up so beautifully. It really puts the audience square into a new kind of history. By the time you get to the end of it, even reading it on the storyboards, you start questioning, Which part of that was real again? (Alex McDowell, 2009) Luckily, the important attention to detail has not been lost on the art department for Watchmen, like the newsreel video mock-up and, now, images from The New Frontiersman the fictional newspaper of the alternate universe. The filmmakers not only did this for the fans of the comic, but to take that alternate history one step closer to reality. This allows for audiences to be captivated. The filmmakers are trying to prove a point that the world has descended into chaos. They want us to feel connected but yet detached from this odd world. One example the art department used as a focal feature in the film demonstrates this effectively. It is a campaign propaganda poster for Richard Nixons fifth term. The photo of Nixon has devil horns and Mickey Mouse ears drawn on it. Also a small swastika is drawn in on the bottom left hand corner. This type of image when seen by the public can hold strong feelings, as many people still remember Nixon. So it can be unsettling for some people as they are taken into this alternate history. In the book Easily Led: History of Propaganda by Oliver Thomson, he explains that when people add to a propaganda message it then becomes art and the will of the people (Thomson, 1999). This is what the filmmakers set out to do. They wanted us to have a political figure that was disliked and forced from office and easily remembered. It allowed for the filmmakers and art department once again to show the civil unrest and deep changes to history in the story. This is a reflection on our own reality as at the time we had assassination attempts on Ronald Reagan, Soviets shot down a Korean airliner and Reagan also announced a series of defense plans called Star Wars in 1983. All of these real life current events are used to support the movies cold war theme. The role of Richard Nixon is supported by an extremely well crafted screenplay. Screenwriters David Hayter and Alex Tse cleverly blend the real Nixon history with a believable alternative history. In reality the United States of America has a fixed allocation of two terms for their presidents. This provides the country with the ability to never become a dictatorship and to have new governments with new ideas always changing hands. In the world of the Watchmen, however, this is different. In the story, when the United States goes to war with Vietnam, America wins. The government sends over the only superhero with powers, Doctor Manhattan, and to assist him The Comedian. The filmmakers give us strong images of the two characters burning down entire fields and villages. The audience is also told that quickly after Dr. Manhattan becomes involved, the high ranking Vietcong decide to surrender to him in person. We are faced with The Comedian violently killing Vietnamese natives and the mot her of his child for what he describes as the fun of it(Moore, 1986). This allowed the filmmakers to truly change the course of modern history. They tried to tell us that if in fact America had won the war the world might have been worse off than better. One reason for this is because in the alternative history story, Nixon repealed the 22nd Amendment of the Constitution, so there is no longer a fixed term on a President after the Vietnam War. This means America has turned into something modeling totalitarian dictatorship. In reality, of course, Nixon is the only American President who was forced to resign the presidency following the Watergate scandal. Nixon was blamed for being a staunch conservative who undermined his advisers on several occasions, such as in 1971 when he started the U.S. War on Drugs and ignoring the Shafer Commission Report in 1972. When Nixon took office he was also disliked by the growing left for escalating the Vietnam war in 1971. The filmmakers do not stop there when it comes to alternate history. They make it so Vietnam becomes the 51st state to join the United States. The filmmakers where trying to convey a message of a country thats becoming power mad. Its almost a metaphor for what if the left wing lost in the 1960s and 1970s. Its as if the filmmakers are trying to put forward a point about our own modern liberal cultures and how we could be making the same mistakes in Iraq war and the war on Afghanistan. Another example of how the screenplay was essential to the telling of the story was because the writers had to complete draft after draft to convince the studio that the original graphic novel of the Watchmen would make a better script.When the studio had me come in to read the screenplay I was shocked. They wanted it done in a modern setting and to have a comment on the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. I said why? So we met up, tore the thing to shreds and went back to the drawing board.'(Zack Snyder, 2010) This quote is discussing the idea that the studio wanted a modern updated version of the Watchmen, mainly because the audience of 2009 could identify better with the current state of affairs and to take away some of the Cold War apocalyptic tensions from the 1980s. Some studio executives thought this would be a better idea since most of the target audiences for Snyders films wont have been born during the Cold War era. Luckily the film stuck closely with the comic and allowed for the message of the book to be conveyed easily through the movie. The filmmakers are trying to put across the message that no matter who wins or loses the world will always keep changing and war keeps us ripped apart and mentally impoverished. In conclusion as you can see by exploring the history, plot and art department as to how and why the filmmakers set out on creating the alternate history of the Watchmen. It also talked about how the Richard Nixon and the Vietnam war alternate history sent the world into turbulence. Also it discussed the opening title sequence and how it set the historical tone for the whole film. The film itself on a entertainment level is wonderful. But when you sit down and study this amazing film you can not help but be astonished by the amazing level of detail and work that Snyder and his team put into creating the alternate history. These examples have shown that the alternate history in Watchmen is the key to proving the filmmakers point, such as what Quentin Tarantino and Alan Moore achieved through alternate histories. Watchmens creators point was that nothing in the world can ever be safe and no matter what happens human beings are self destructing by nature. Snyder accomplished this message by concentrating on the little things such as alternate branding, propaganda, media and the alteration of major historical events. The alternate historical events help to shape the story and the audiences feelings and the message they conceived the film to be about. The Watchmen film worked because of the level of detail mentioned above. If the film did not have the same care and attention that it did the alternate history would have muddled the plot and many political messages the story is famous for. This film stands alone because nothing has been done like it before thus it stands out from the crowd. The crew set out to make a film that challenged peoples ideas of comic book films and to tell a narrative of, what if? Despite differing opinions and little critical acclaim, the crew created a story from alternate history successfully and still managed to get their point across, something that has been lacking from most modern Hollywood comic book blockbusters.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Borgmann’s Proposal to Reform Technology Essay -- Philosophy Albert Bo

Borgmann’s Proposal to Reform Technology Albert Borgmann follows the general project by Heidegger to see how technology has harmful effects on humanity and to determine how it can be reformed. Borgmann shares Heidegger’s view that modern technology is starkly different from premodern technology in its pattern of disclosing the world to human beings. Borgmann agrees that a sort of ethical reform must be undertaken to limit technological ways of living from dominating the lives of individuals and to keep technology in its place. His proposal for a direction of reform first takes cues from Heidegger but then asserts the need for different tactics. First, we look at Borgmann’s chapter "Focal Things and Practices." Here he names the things that matter in directing human lives "focal." Focal things contribute to the direction and ordering of one’s life in a productive way, and they disclose the world and illuminate the context of themselves and their related life activities. He actually uses a lot of verbs to convey the sense of focus with which he is concerned, so no one terse definition is given. Borgmann agrees with Heidegger that the simple kinds of things are those that focus a gathering of information about the world and benefit human beings by highlighting important life concerns, though he thinks that Heidegger sees the use of these things as too much an escape from technology rather than an affirmation of it. These simple, focal things are premodern objects, such as Heidegger’s example of an earthen jug, or even activities. The jug gathers and discloses the world because it is made of the earth and is used to store wine from grapes that grow in the earth; furthermore, the jug is used in the human context of tradition, ... ... things and practices are without being misguided by the level of a thing’s technological complexity. It seems that if focal practices engage certain elements but technology does not in principle exclude those elements, both of which Borgmann agrees, then it is not necessary to maintain Borgmann’s criticism of modern technological things. His concern is the pattern in which technology is currently engaged, and he has not at all made it clear how the troublesome disunities and commodities are necessarily related to the products of modern technology. We need to find the essential features of focal concerns and apply them to a reform proposal without Borgmann’s intermediate complications. Bibliography Borgmann, Albert. "Focal Things and Practices." Philosophy of Technology. Ed. Robert C. Scharff and Val Dusek. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. 293-312.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Research Paper on Statistics on Health Care Prescription Errors Essay

Research Paper on Statistics on Health Care Prescription Errors Introduction Relation between Error in Healthcare prescription and the inconsistency in Technological information Background Information            A lot of errors are occurring within the healthcare field lately. They result from many factors. Among the principle causes of error are related to wrong prescriptions. As indicated by Benjamin (770), one of the elements that play a critical role in this is the use of advanced technological methods. Computers have been used to aid in the computerized entry of prescription orders. For instance, Walgreens pharmacy, where I work is an online drug store that allows customers to purchase drugs over the internet. This poses a great danger of wrong order interpretations, inconsistencies and misfills. In the past, these have resulted in the possession of dangerous drugs, dosing errors and other mix-ups.Depending on the intensity of the prescription, they can result in severe injuries on the patient or even lead to fatality incidences. In turn, they lead to unnecessary court cases and legal suits that eventually cost many healthcare institutions and practitioners a lot of f unds that are paid to cater for the damages (Carroll 52-8). For this, there is a necessity to examine the main causes of faulty prescriptions to ensure that such avoidable consequences are kept at their possible minimal rates. This paper explored the occurrence of prescription errors as a result of order entries at Walgreens. The principleconcerns that were dealt with in this study include: What are the common causes of drug inconsistencies at the pharmacy? What kind of information technology is used in the provision of proper prescription? Are there specific actions that are related to inconsistently provided information in the same prescription order entry? What dispensing errors are most likely to occur in an online drug store? Methodology            The study was prospective as it was comprised of 20 pharmacists from medical centers and Walgreens chemist, which is an online store based in Wasilla in Alaska. For approximately 2 months, they issued a report about the inconsistent order entry of prescriptions. It was principally based on communication. As such, both primary and secondary data collection methodswere employed. Therefore, it included the use of surveys for the collection of first-hand information. In this sense questionnaires and interviews from the participantswereused to gather information for the data. For accuracy and proper validation, these were combined with secondarysources such as the national health statistics (Wu, Pronovost, Morlock 88). It involved the selection of 30 electronically retrieved prescriptions from the free text field for any comments on prescription errors with regard to Walgreens pharmacy. Thus, the study entailed the overall evaluation of 60 prescription records. Data collection            The data was used to capture the medication, focus dispensing errors and the types of inconsistencies in error. Among the elements to considered included dosage, incorrect drug, wrong quantity, inappropriate, inadequate and incorrect labelling. The other elements that caused inconsistencies were inadequate directions for use, inappropriate packaging, preparation and storage of medication before dispensing. It was necessary to use predictive values to determine when the prescriptive errors are likely to be higher. Data analysis            The data was entered in a Microsoft database. 30 records were selected randomly to validate the data. From research, 99.7% of these are expected to be correct. Descriptive statistics characterized inconsistency. Some of the determinants of error such as inpatients and outpatients, analgesics and antibiotics, those that are less frequently prescribed and those on high alert wereanalyzed. They will be provided for harm categories where t tests and χ2 tests will be used. Categorical variables made use of the Fisher test for categorical variables of 2 levels and the χ2 for those with more than 2. Statistical significance or ÃŽ ± =.05 were applied to test predators with the Wald χ2 test. In this study, the regression model of multivariantlogistics method of data analysis will be used. The method will mainly identify different factors in communication prescriptive errors in relation to their severity. It will make use of a generalized approach with estimated equations. Results            The results were filled in the table below:            Similar names and packages Medications not commonly used or prescribed Commonly used medication where patients are allergic Medication that need proper testing for proper therapeutic administration Entry and confirmation of prescription Zeros and abbreviations Organized workforce and reduction of distraction and stress Patient counselling Storage            Dispensing incorrect drug 40% 20% 2% 2% 10% 5% 10% 11% Dose 20% 30% 10% 5% 20% 10% 5% 5% Dosage form 8% 2% 1% 5% 50% 10% 20% 4% Quantity 1% 20% 1% 3% 10% 30% 20% 15% Administration time 1% 5% 3% 2% 10% 30% 40% 9% Wrong labeling 30% 30% 5% 2% 10% 5% `10% 8% Inadequate directions 5% 20% 10% 10% 5% 2% 10% 38% Inappropriate preparation, packaging and storage 20% 40% 5% 1% 1% 5% 29% 1% Graphical Representation of the results Findings            It was discovered that at a pharmacy such as Walgreens where about 250 prescriptions entries are made in a day, about 4 errors occur. Reports relate these to a higher rate of inconsistent communication. The principle cause was drug dosage. There were also some drugs that were associated with a higher rate of overdosing and incorrect prescriptions when compared to others. Thus, in relation to this study, it was evident that medical centers that have a higher flow of patients and the chances of admission have higher rates of errors when compared to other private clinics and chemists. Conclusion            It is important that the laid down professional ethics are adhered to in different fields. This is especially within the medical field where a slight mistake can lead to devastating consequences. Therefore, healthcare providers are always obligated to use the knowledge that they acquired in their studies as well as new knowledge and practices appropriately. They should ensure that drugs are prescribed in the most appropriate ways to avoid errors. In particular, computerized drug entries should be counterchecked to eliminate disparities. However, owing to the continuous change in the nature of disease processes and hence the production of advanced drug formulas, there is need to conduct more research. These will provide more guidance to guarantee safe drug prescription by providers of healthcare services using new technological methods. Recommendations            The employees at Walgreens need to reduce the rates of prescription errors to help retain customers and avoid unnecessary lawsuits. Some of the steps they can take are to ensure the correct entry of prescriptions. These should be confirmed. They should be careful with drugs that look alike and sound alike as well as take care with zeros and abbreviations. They should make the workplace organized and reduce distractions, stress and heavy workloads as much as possible. They should also ensure that drugs are stored properly and check all prescriptions. The most important thing is to ensure that patients are cancelled before taking the drugs. References Benjamin, D. M. Reducing medication errors and increasing patient safety: case studies inclinical pharmacology. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.2003;43:768–83. Carroll, P. Medication issues: the bigger picture.RN. 2003;66(1):52–8. Wu, A. W., Pronovost, P., and Morlock, L. ICU incident reporting systems.Journal of CriticalCare. 2006;17(2):86–94 Source document

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

William Taft and a Lack of Progressivism †Government (300 Level Course)

William Taft and a Lack of Progressivism – Government (300 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers William Taft and a Lack of Progressivism Government (300 Level Course) William Howard Taft became the twenty seventh president in 1909; handpicked by Theodore Roosevelt to carry on the Progressive torch of the Republican Party. While some argue that Taft was not the best choice, that perhaps Roosevelt’s Secretary of State Elihu Root or Governor Charles Evans Hughes of New York would be better progressives, many scholars believe that Roosevelt chose Taft for one main reason: he was a â€Å"yes-man.† Even though he later denied it, many people felt that Taft was selected so that Roosevelt could still exercise power through him, without actually being in office. Taft was a supposed Progressive leader and maintained this position throughout his tenure in office. However his four years in office demonstrated the presidency of a far more conservative than progressive leader. While most authors agree on the fact that even if Taft is to be considered Progressive, he is much less progressive than his predecessor, they disagree on the way Taft handled the battles that arose between progressive and conservative Republicans. Donald Anderson writes that â€Å"Taft used his patronage powers to punish leaders like La Follete and Cummins who vindictively opposed the administration’s program.† This statement is in direct response to the issue of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff. The progressives, led by La Follete and Cummins, were upset that the proposed tariff, once in the hands of Speaker of the House Joe Cannon and the conservatives, was attacked by protectionists and changed in 847 ways. These results of these changes raised the tariff in ways thought to be protective for the United States. Theodore Roosevelt assured the progressives that Taft would surely veto the bill, which would have been a slap in the face to the progressives. However, Taft did not veto the bill, instead he pledged that he â€Å"would not take into consideration any of the progressive recommendations unless they (progressives) make it known that they are not engaged in attacking me or my administration.† In this account of events, Anderson shows two parts of the story that do not seem to corroborate with other accounts. Taft seems to feel that the progressives are directly threatening his authority even though he is supposed to share their views, after all he was a progressive and Roosevelt’s right hand man. Also, Anderson portrays Taft as being assertive in his decision to not tolerate the progressives or their plight. Whatever actually happened surrounding this event notwithstanding, other accounts to not coincide with those of Taft acting confidently and aggressively. Another historian, Nathan Miller takes a slightly different viewpoint on this same topic. While Miller sympathizes with Taft for having to follow in the footsteps of Teddy Roosevelt, he weaves a somewhat different story about president Taft. Miller describes Taft as a progressive but only up to a certain point. It is at that point then where Taft draws the line. Taft was often said to be so wracked by self doubt that he would walk the White House late at night unable to sleep. Miller paints William Taft as a totally dependent politician and a man incapable of being the president described by Anderson. Miller talks of Taft’s dependence first on Roosevelt and then on leaders such as Aldrich and Cannon. He goes on to say that â€Å"Taft lacked both the will and the stomach to get his own way in any battle such as this. Having been a yes man in Roosevelt’s cabinet, he inevitably became one for the party regulars.† It becomes this lack of support for progres sives, and ultimately therefore support for Roosevelt that effectively ends their political relationship. I agree with the latter depiction of president William Taft and his role as a progressive leader of American politics. It may be true that he was the victim of being Roosevelt’s successor. Yet still I feel that he demonstrated weak leadership qualities and when the fights broke out he abandoned camp and sought shelter within the party ranks. By doing this he effectively bit the hand that fed him in Theodore Roosevelt, a man that he was extremely loyal to and whom handed him the baton of dynamic presidential leadership, a baton in which he fumbled. He did not have Roosevelt’s integrity, his leadership, his grace, or his political prowess. While he later proved to be a honorable chief justice, one whom possessed a well organized, well honed legal mind, he simply lacked the backbone and integrity needed to be successful in elected and not appointed office. In these ways I have found William Taft to be both a poor progressive and a poor president. William Howard Taft came into the office of the president in 1909 with the world at his feet, and left office miserably four years later after only winning two states and eight electoral votes. It was the worst defeat ever suffered by an incumbent president. Theodore Roosevelt gave him the presidency and the popularity of the American people and he could do little with it but squander it almost entirely. While opinions may vary on his presidency, it is almost certainly clear that it was far from a growing success story. He did enjoy perhaps the most productive career of any ex-president after being appointed to the Supreme Court in 1921 by president Warren Harding. Yet his presidency will still be remember for doing little for the country and eventually being passed up by a country that voted in 1912 over three-quarters progressive. Taft’s presidency took office on a high and ended by giving the office back to the Democrats for the first time in sixteen years. Nathan M iller therefore granted Taft the dubious honor of being his â€Å"eighth worst president of the United States.† One thing is for certain however, the fact that William Howard Taft earned it. Research Papers on William Taft and a Lack of Progressivism - Government (300 Level Course)Trailblazing by Eric AndersonQuebec and Canada19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraMind TravelBringing Democracy to AfricaNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2The Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsResearch Process Part OneBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm X